How to Automate the Gemba Board Effectively

The workplace today has vastly evolved with the solutions, methods, and platformsthat now exist to better manage the challenges and inefficiencies impactingtheir day-to-day productivity. One of those tools, not as commonly known, but still highly effective is a GembaBoard. Gemba is Japanese for “the actual place.” When it comes to businesses,committees, or us as individuals […]

What it Takes to Build Accountability with Data Visibility

It’s time for your data to provide more value. “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” H. James Harrington As we discussed […]

The Manufacturers Comparative

Staying nimble in today’s competitive and challenging industry If you are a manufacturer in today’s competitive market, simply knowing how your company compares to other manufacturers likely won’t take you to the next level. It tells you where you’re coming up strong, meeting industry standards, or experiencing a shortfall; but it doesn’t exemplify what to […]

Using Data to Improve Performance Reviews

Employee performance & engagement is crucial to every business, and data accessibility can help. Ask yourself: How do you evaluate progress and productivity? Assess skills? Overarching, how do you measure success? All of these are ambiguous terms but each of value when it comes to reviewing what we know as performance. Now throw in the […]

We are Bearex

Business impact that goes beyond the data – from access to insight, measurable change starts here. Data Driven Business Management At Bearex, who we are explains what we do, and what we do defines who we are. No solution can be found and no problem can be uncovered unless we know your business on a […]