Transparent Pricing, Tailored for Your Needs

At Bearex, we believe in providing flexible, value-driven pricing that aligns with your business goals.  Our pricing is structured to fit manufacturers of all sizes while ensuring you only pay for what you need.

Number of users

5 Users

Data sources **

One time fee.

User Support

Data Connection Maintenance

Custom Data Mapping & Models

Automated Emails



Data Input Capabilties

Visibility of Usage

Additional users


Rotating TV Viewers

Available upon request, monthly cost

MI i4.0 Grant Assistance

Available to guide the entire process for a one-time fee

* Dashboard customizations are charged hourly at $170/hr. An average dashboard takes 3 hours to build.
** A one-time connection, data mapping and data model fee is charged up front for each connection

Watch Case Study

“Bearex exceeded my expectations…Its not changing the process, its taking six and consolidating it into one”

Bobby Perry
Controller - Jackson Flexible Products
Top manufacturers depend on Bearex

Frequently Asked Questions

What am I really getting?

Aggregation of your disparate data sources, a real-time look into your performance with a focus on problem areas.  Generally, the production meeting dashboard is a great place to start as it encompasses sales, efficiencies, productivity, gross margins, order intake, headcount data.  Right now can you go to one place to see all of this?  Or do you have to speak with one or more people then substantiate this with reports from various systems?  What if you could do all of this in minutes each day, not hours or days?

Generally we start with a 30 minute virtual introduction call, if there is enough interest to proceed we move to a more in-depth Discovery, either virtual or on-site (depending on location). This discovery plots a course forward that includes timeline and cost; the first movement after this includes working with IT, either internal or external, to connect the necessary databases
Connect to data sources identified during Discovery, develop customized dashboards identified during discovery and tie out dashboards using substantiated data. After this tie out, all dashboards are live
After data connections are made, the major item we need is an on-site champion for communication and to help provide a few reports for data tie out purposes.
Yes! It would require a Business Intelligence software, a data analyst or scientist, data transformation tools and connection to your various databases. Knowledge about color theory, outlier detection and some design UX is helpful as well. Bearex looks to combine data science with manufacturing insights with financial insights into one customized turn key bundle, thereby providing more than just software.
Bearex is a product customized for your needs. Large commercialized software is a one size fits all that you choose, how to use and what to use, but it’s all available based upon different tiers that’s you subscribe to. Bearex combines our practical knowledge with a discovery of your company to connect to data sources and visualize key insights for you instead of a one size fits all.

We utilize specific security measures to ensure proper protection, these include:

  • Whitelisting IP addresses
  • Port masking
  • Read-only access
  • Focus on database load from data pulls
  • Multi-factor authentication